A great turn out to coincide with the competition training that is under way at the club, as we prepare for battle over the next few months; the Hereford Open 7 and the British Open are in our sights and I will be leading from the front, competing in both events, as well as coaching a number of my white belts at the British Open.
I will be keeping regular updates on here as I prepare for the events, sharing my thoughts and ramblings and after the events, as well as providing post match analysis on all my matches, good and bad.
Started off last night with a series of takedowns that all work in tandem with each other, if you miss one you can switch to the next one and the other and these were drilled for most of the evening; butterfly guard sweeps and specific training from this position concluded the BJJ session and the MMA class covered the same butterfly guard, albeit with the adjustments necessary to make it work no gi.
Looking forward to the next few months, everyone will be pushed to their limits, whether they compete or not, as everyone improves as we train hard for competition and that's what it's all about, improving your game and skills!