The Training Day got off to a flying start yesterday with a number of promotions being given out by Darren and Helen Currie, before any real teaching began; three brown belts were awarded and a new black belt was crowned, as Steve Muckle finally came to end of his belt journey and began the day as a newly minted black belt.

Anthony Griffiths started the session with a workshop on throwing guard, with a neat little series of ways to be the first man in for the grips and taking the fight to the opponent by throwing guard and getting ready to attack.
James Nardone followed, with a triple attack on the open guard and ways to pass the guard from each attack, really easy to implement into anyone's game, regardless of belt colour.

Steve Muckle, carried on from the last Training Day and took the students through the butterfly guard with overhooks and again, showed some slick jiu jitsu and all that was left was Darren Currie, who gave everyone food for thought on ways to pass the half guard, mainly giving concepts for people to think about and take back to their repsective gyms to try out.
Once again, a fine day for Combat Base UK, who grow from strength to strength and as is the case at these events, £319.73 was raised for the nominated charity Cardiac Risk in the Young, so all in all a very good day for all involved.
New belts:-
Steve Muckle - black
James Nardone - brown
Anthony Griffiths - brown
Carl Fisher - brown
Simon Ball - purple
Catriona Barkley - blue
Josh Dilcock - blue
Ty Harrison - blue
Tony Riley - blue
Andy Whitelam - blue
Jodie Clark - blue
Andrew Morris - blue
Lee Gilmore - blue
Will Aston - blue
Adam Lowes -blue
Lewis Shaw - yellow
HUGE congrats to everyone and thanks to everyone who attended and who helped raise an outstanding amount of money for a very worthy cause :)
http://www.c-r-y.org.ukThanks to Mike Ng for the photos, more can be see at
http://www.blogger.com/www.flickr.com/photos/63650314@N07/Special thanks to Lee and Gareth at Tatami for sponsoring the brown and black belts awarded on the day :)