Thursday, 30 April 2015

Funny Keenan Cornelius video!

This is the video I was telling you guys about last night in class :)


Dad and lad!!

Checkmat Wimbledon welcomes its two newest and biggest recruits to the club, Adrian and Billy :)
Billy (l) and Adrian (r)

Anyone messing about in class will now have to practise mount escapes with Adrian, you have been warned.......................

This week's training......

Another good week of Jiu Jitsu here at Checkmat Wimbledon :)

Good numbers once again in both classes, soon be hitting double figures; keep up the good work everyone, soon be the Interclub!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Interview with me!

In all my years as a reporter and interviewer, I think this is the second interview where the shoe's been on the other foot.  The first interview, was way back in the day on the old SFUK forum, this time round this interview is at


Thursday, 23 April 2015

Last night's class

Once again, another highly enjoyable class last night, numbers up again, quite a few missing from last night.  Soon be hitting double figures :)

Lots of specifics last night, working up a good sweat, getting the lads ready for the Intterclub in a few weeks.

Keep up the hard word guys! 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Move of the week - Keenan Cornelius!

Check out this cool video on a high percentage finish from mount :)


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Onward and upward!

Another great class last night, getting ready for the Interclub and another new starter!


Monday, 20 April 2015

Martial Arts Guardian - Issue 2 out now!

Issue number two of the Martial Arts Guardian multimedia magazine is out now!

This magazine is the brainchild of Russell Jarmesty, Steve Rowe, Scott Caldwell and Simon Keegan. 

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Old school Judo Ne Waza!

I really enjoy watching these old videos of the Judo masters from the bygone days; just shows you that the moves we practice today, have been around for generations.  See if any of these moves look familiar :)


Saturday, 18 April 2015

Ice hockey Jiu Jitsu!

Great video from website, where an ice hockey player pulls guard in a mass brawl on the ice. 


When in doubt, get the Gaffer tape out!

Monday night at training, I split an old scar and split some new skin as  an added bonus; the scar is under my right big toe and is in the worst spot available, as the healing takes a long time to occur, as the scar keeps re splitting each time I get on the mats.

My usual saviour is sports tape and lo and behold, I'd run out of tape on Monday!

So, what is one to do when faced with a scar splitting incident?

Simple answer - get the Gaffer tape out!

As you can see from the photo, the area was duly covered, teaching resumed on Wednesday evening and all was well again in the world.

Don't let a pesky split scar keep you off the mats; when the chips are down, use your head and think outside the box.

Gaffer tape is your friend.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Last night's class!

Once again another great class, even the glorious sunshine couldn't keep the Wimbledon mat rats away from enjoying a sunshine filled session of Jiu Jitsu. Had another new starter, that's made three this week, very happy about the new found momentum at the club, hopefully it's down to the new website (

Checkmat Wimbledon welcomes Callum to the club, welcome aboard!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Spider guard sweeps with Kris Kim

As you enjoy the sunshine and glorious weather, make it even better with this neat little video from black belt Kris Kim.


Monday's class............

Another good session in the bag and even better, not one, not three, but two new starters joined in the fun on the mats.

Welcome aboard Andrew and Adrian!

Friday, 10 April 2015

New club website!

I'm very pleased to announce that the club website has a new and improved look, incorporating a new club logo and a couple of cheeky logos with the beloved Womble in a gi and black belt

Thanks to Victoria Caldwell for the design of the website and to Gareth Baxendale (aka Gartista) for the Womble logos and old students Dave and Brendan who sorted the website out in the first place, back at Combat Base Bolton and for all the help they've given me over the years.

This week's training.......

Another productive week of training in the bag, everyone working hard and improving session by session.

Checkmat Wimbledon welcomes its newest recruit, Harry, to the club, welcome aboard!

Monday, 6 April 2015

Grip training for BJJ with double kettlebells

Check out this cool video on a super tough kettlebell workout, designed to improve the grip and overall general fitness.  Try it in your next training session!


Sunday, 5 April 2015

Conditioning for BJJ

Check out this neat little video, showing five top conditioning tools for BJJ.

Friday, 3 April 2015

2015 Pan Ams - Black Belt Highlights!

Happy Easter everyone!

Enjoy the video!


Keenan And Glover Invade Renato Laranja’s Dojo!

Something to brighten up your Easter weekend, from the White Belt BJJ dot com website..........


Thursday, 2 April 2015

Mount escapes with Kris Kim

Following up from a recent video I posted on here last month from Kurt Osiander, black belt Kris Kim shows a few options from the same mount escape position.



Three De La Riva sweeps with Kris Kim

Here's a cool video by black belt Kris Kim, showing three nice sweeps from the DLR position.  

Study on these and drill them out.

Last night's class

Despite snapping my little toe as I was demonstrating a wrestler's sit through in the warm up, I bravely solidered on through the night and as always, had another great night of Jiu Jitsu.  We went through a number of drills at the start of the class and looked at getting into the omoplata from a closed guard cross grip, that offers up sweeps and submissions galore. 

In addition, Checkmat Wimbledon welcomes its latest member, Matthew Salisbury, who has a solid background in Judo, which can only be an asset to everyone at the club, myself included.

See you all next Monday!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Move of the week - Kurt Osiander

Here's your move of the week, courtesy of Ralph Gracie black belt Kurt Osiander.


To Gi or not to Gi?

Ahhh, that age old question, once again rears its ugly head on the internet and is featured on the website this week.

As always, keep an open mind and train both and who knows, you might learn a thing or two.......