Tuesday 23 July 2024

Catch Wrestling session last Monday night!

 Another KILLER Catch Wrestling session Monday night with the monkeys, lots of hard work and sweat from everyone, as well as a lot of PAIN :)

More of the same tonight :)

Having tech problems, unable to upload pix, hope this sorts itself out soon!

Thursday 11 July 2024

Last night's class

 Cannot compete with the Euros and England being in the semi finals, but BJJ will always be better than football :) 

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Stripe #3 for Matt and Niall!

 HUGE congrats to teenage tearaways Matt and Niall on their very well deserved third stripe, awarded in class last night :)

Both are very keen Jiu Jiteiros who have really got the bug now after competing and are showing a lot of promise after their debut at the weekend.

Keep it up boys :)

Wimbledon teenagers bring back the bling!

A fine day out at the office at the weekend, with the teenagers showing the adults how it's done, bring back three bronze medals and one silver; the bronze medallists also made their competition debut and to medal at such a high level event is no mean feat.

Congrats to you all, here's to many more :)

Last night's class

 Back in the Gi this week at SW19 and another great session in the bag; I was unable to make the Grappling Industries event at the weekend, so one of my students made notes on the matches and came back with some great feedback.

As always, comps are a great resource to see where students stands at that time and a lot of what was noted is applicable to all students, so everyone wins after a comp :)

On a positive note, none of the monkeys competing made any serious mistakes, just tweaking up the basics and getting them drilled out in class, in time for the next competition :)

Friday 5 July 2024

Wednesday Night is Catch Wrestling night!

We had an absolute KILLER Catch Wrestling session on Wednesday night at SW19, an evening full of drills and shark tanks for the lads competing at the Grappling Industries event tomorrow :)

One last big push before the lads hit the mats and bring back some more bling to the club :)

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Croatia meets UK!

 It was a pleasure to have a special guest on the mats last night, all the way from Croatia :)

Toni Nenadic is over here for the tennis at Wimbledon, as he's a physio for the tennis player Laslo Djere and fingers crossed Laslo wins today, which means we will see Toni again tomorrow night :)

More bling for Bart!

 Huge congrats to Bart on his well earned silver medal at the weekend, another one for the club tally :)


 Had an awesome NO Gi session last night with the monkeys, analysing Bart's three matches at the Caged BJJ event on Sunday; watching videos of students competing is a great feedback tool for a coach and there was plenty to talk about and drill in class, which was suitable not only for Bart but for the rest of the students as well :)

Monday 1 July 2024

Silver medal for Bart at Caged BJJ!

 HUGE congrats to Bart who came away with a very heard earned and well deserved silver medal yesterday at the Caged BJJ event in London; had two tough fights to get to the final and in the end, one small mistake cost him the gold medal.

That's Jiu Jitsu!

On to the next comp on Saturday, the Grappling Industries event, where he has a STACKED division of over fifty competitors!

Bring it on!