Had a great day at the interclub yesterday at Caged Steel; referee'd, competed and cornered for eight of my students and was great to see Chris Haueter at the event, who's here for one week hosting a number of seminars.

The event was well attended and was a mix of gi and no gi matches and there was plenty of talent on display from all competitors; well done Will Aston and James Charlton from my club on bagging silver medals in their respective divisions and a great achievement for James, in his first ever comp and six weeks total in training!

Lewis Shaw hit the mats in the first match of the day against a yellow belt and showed off a great Judo throw and some good groundwork, but sadly got subbed before he could do any more damage! Team spirit was definitely strengthened after yesterday's comp, bringing all the lads together to support each other on the day and everyone that competed were winners, regardless of the outcome of their fights.

A huge well done to all the lads who competed and to everyone who helped at the club getting the lads into shape; days like this make it a pleasure and an honour to be an instructor, watching all the hard work take shape in the competition arena.
Check out more great pix from John Sherwood at
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