Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Monday Madness!

 Hot off the heels of a very successful seminar on Sunday, it was back to business at SW19 with an action packed day of Jiu Jitsu; starting with the L'il Monkeys and getting well and truly twisted up by the little monkey, we had a solid thirty minutes of wrestling and rolling, great fun for sure!

The Beginners classes are growing every week and are really picking up the fundamentals quickly, these classes are a fantastic starting point for anyone wanting to start training and for regular students too, there's always something of value you can pick in these classes.

The main class comprised of two brutal shark tanks for James and Big Ron, who are competing next weekend and were put though their paces by all of us, with no complaints :)

Week by week the new gym is growing and moving in the right direction, the Northern Monkey Order expands!

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