Monday, 24 February 2025

Northern Monkey Seminar @ Submission Scoundrels!

 I had great pleasure teaching my first seminar of the year over at Northern Monkey affiliate club Submission Scoundrels, headed by Chris Petherwick in sunny Tidworth :)

It was an awesome turn out with six black belts on the mats and ten Jiu Jitsu and Judo clubs representing on the day as well.

I delivered an Old School Jiu Jitsu seminar with a smattering of Catch Wrestling as well to add a bit of spice to the afternoon and it was a lot of fun teaching and sharing the mats with so many Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts :)

It was very humbling to have so many people turn out and spend their afternoon with my good self and massive thanks to Gorgeous George for being a great uke as always and to Ron and James for coming over to support the event and to James for being a great driver :)

The Northern Monkey Order is growing!

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