Wednesday 19 March 2008

ADCC 2001 - pix!

Can't believe it's 7 years ago since I was at this event!! Loads of pix in mi laptop that are just gathering dust so thought I'd share some with ya!!
I'll add more soon!


leroy said...

Excellent - get more up!

TFP said...

No worries matey, got loads of pix from the event, will post more up each day!

JimmyBuffalo said...

hey, is that you with Mark Kerr? on the 2nd slide? wow man, u look like some kinda weird fag stalker what wit your little fanny pack and skinny legs. I figure you prolly stole his jock and wear it over your face in the night time. bwahaha.

TFP said...

Not me Jimmy, that's your department. bwahaha.