Monday 3 February 2020

Fight or Flight Response

The fight or flight response is a topic that will be discussed at PSP seminars throughout the year, which will help you recognise your body's response to potentially dangerous situations and to be comfortable within them, instead of freezing up and becoming the victim.

Fear is psychological, emotional and biological and listed below are a number of points on how to combat fear on the street...

  • don't think of the negative aspects of a confrontation
  • have belief in your abilities
  • be confident that you can deal with a predator by becoming the predator
  • understand the face to threat parallel
  • understand the law and self protection
  • learn to train the startle reflex (flinch response) which is a Brian stem reflectors reaction that serves to protect vulnerable parts of the body (cover-crash-counter)
  • an understanding of the fight or flight response can further help you use this physiological process to your advantage
Fear is not your enemy...

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