Monday 10 October 2011

Lights Out - Keith Owen DVD review!

Following a highly successful DVD series of Favourite Moves, Pedro Sauer black belt Keith Owen presents the first volume in a series of collar chokes, for jiu jitsu players and coaches at all levels on the belt spectrum.

There are 25 techniques on the DVD, but one choke in particular is given a thorough review; the choke in question is called the Fog Choke and it first appeared as a single technique on Favourite Moves 1 DVD, roughly four years ago.

Keith describes this choke as one of his favourite chokes in the entire world and since the release of Favourite Moves 1, Keith has explored and experimented with the technique, culminating in nine variations of the choke from all positions, which are on the DVD.

Another tried and tested competition favourite on the DVD, especially from my experience as a BJJ referee this year in the UK, is the always lethal Ezekiel Choke; Keith shows four variations to strike fear and elicit a quick tap out from your opponent.

From then on, there is a collection of chokes from all positions, giving you a comprehensive arsenal of choking techniques available at your disposal, should your opponent defend your arms bars and omoplatas. Once a choke is sunk in tight there isn’t much your opponent can do, other than tap out or go to sleep.

This is a great opening DVD from Keith; in line with recent releases, the production and presentation of the DVD are second to none and the actual coaching content always excels, as Keith leaves nothing out, always keen to pass on all his knowledge and help make you a better jiu jitsu player.

The DVD is available from

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