Saturday 6 June 2015

Training today @ London Fight Factory!

Enjoyed a hardcore session at LFF this afternoon with Luiz and the rest of the LFF posse; it was sparring only, gi or no gi, the choice was yours.  Every roll was tough and I was pushed to the limit and I'm glad to say my poor old back survived the session and is as strong as it's ever going to be.

Together with a recent order for sports tape, I can get back on the mats and start getting sharp again, it's been the longest period of time away from training, but as you get older injuries take longer to overcome and coming back too early is a recipe for disaster.

To all the Seniors out there that read this, take your time getting over injuries and do as much rehab exercises as you can and you'll stay on the mats longer.  These days for myself it's not having the stamina to do three sessions a day like I was able to ten years ago.  It's having the stamina to train once four of five times per week for the next ten years.  Leave the crazy training routines for the young guns and concentrate on staying on the mats longer and as injury free as you can.

Huge thanks to Luiz for an awesome session as always and to all the guys I rolled with today, thanks for pushing me hard and making me step out of my comfort zone for ninety minutes.


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