Tuesday 4 June 2024

Happy TENTH birthday to Wimbledon BJJ!

 It seems like yesterday when I ran my first class here in sunny Wimbledon at Holistic Fitness Studios, with a total of four Jiu Jiteiros on this day ten years ago :)

It's been a long slog over the last ten years, but I'm very proud of what the club has achieved; we have established ourselves on the UK competition circuit, competing every month and winning medals at prestigious events such as ADCC, NAGA, Grappling Industries to name a few and numbers are increasing at the club every month.

Our Saturday Open Mats are the stuff of legends with lots of my Jiu Jitsu friends travelling far and wide to join the fun on the mats and afterwards in the Spoons, what's not to love?

We've had seminars with some of the best in the world including Chico Mendes, Deninho, Sharpey, Wayne Lakin and during this tenth year, I aim to have more masterclasses to help celebrate such a landmark achievement.

I've also been busy on the seminar circuit myself teaching up and down the UK, spreading the gospel of Jiu Jitsu and Catch Wrestling and look forward to many more in the future.

I'd like to thanks all my students past and present for turning up every week and making the club what it is and helping me develop as a student of the art and as an instructor, working my way up from brown belt in 2014, up to second degree black belt.

It's been a fantastic ten years, we've had many many laughs on and off the mats, too many shark tanks to mention and lots of fun training and filming the Northern Monkey Fight Nights :)

I'd like to make a HUGE shout out to Luiz Ribeiro at London Fight Factory for taking me under his wing when I came to London ten years ago and looking after me and sharing his academy with me and for all the awesome seminars over the last ten years, look forward to many more :)

Here's to the next ten years, if I can find enough tape to keep me together :)


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